Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Triptych Explanation

For my triptych, i chose to do three aspects or adjectives of myself: silly, artistic/nerdy, unique from left to right. In choosing these adjectives, the pictures i chose to go with them had to match. For silly, i chose the image of me stuck in the sand, knee deep, while leaning back with a cheesey smile on my face. To add to the silly aspect, i put a spotlight on me. For the middle panel which was artistic/nerdy, i have the sunset with me silhouetted in front of the sunset. The drawings in the background were some of my sketches previously drawn and brought into illustrator and traced to make them like sketches. Putting them into the background creates the illusion of thinking about them since they blend in. The last piece, unique, not only is the illustrator intensive panel but looks very different from the rest. I put into the panel different things about myself that were unique so to say, crooked pinkys and the ability to ride a scooter on my butt. I probably could have added more images if i were to have access to them at the time. Nonetheless, i think i got the point across.

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